Sunday, November 25, 2012

Small Business Saturday

I was so touched today by the amount of customers that came to support The Pink Chalet for Small Business Saturday. These customers took a genuine interest in supporting local businesses in our community. Everyone was so happy to be spending locally, it was truly an amazing day. Thank you to everyone that came in and to the staff that made today a pleasant experience for everyone. I am so lucky t
o have such wonderful customers and employees alike. And all this took place while my wonderful Mom, Rea Bianco, has been preparing all the declicious food for our TPC Chrismas Party tomorrow night. If you did not get a chance to shop local today, it is not about how much you spend, it is about remembering that you have local options when you are checking things off your list. Happy Holidays!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgivings over but Christmas is next! Thanks for shopping small, you're the best!

Remember!! 15% off store wide, 75% off sale and a free tote with $100 purchase of Vera Bradley!With special holiday hours we are open until 8 pm tonight! We are thankful for all our loyal customers who help keep us around!

Happy Holidays from The Pink Chalet! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012

Election Day 2012.  It's finally here.  Don't forget to go cast your vote.  It is our very important civic duty.  To reward you all for casting your vote just stop in with your "I voted" sticker and get 15% off storewide.  (Excludes Vera Bradly, Brighton, Kameleon, My Flat In London, Gift Certificates, & Mongramming Fee)  If you are out of town, or can't get in because the line to vote is soooo long just shop online and use code: ivoted.  Go vote! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Shoping Up A Storm

Sitting here tonight watching the Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together benefit concert on TV, I wondered what I could do to really help all of those people up north that are hurting so much from this storm.  I want to help as much as I can, so we will be donating 10% off all proceeds this weekend to the American Red Cross.  We want to raise a lot, so spread the word and tell everyone to help us "shop up a storm" at The Pink Chalet this weekend.  Don't forget you can even shop online if you are not close to us.  Sending our thoughts and prayers to everyone for a quick return to normalcy.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

DIY Lily Planner Coasters!

What girl doesn't love a Lily Pulitzer planner?! They are only the must have planner on every campus! Here is an adorable craft for you to recycle those used planner pages!

What you need!

- Lily Planner Pages
- Modge Podge 
- Tiles, Coaster Size
- Paint Brush


1. Pick out your planner pages and cut them to fit the size tiles you bought! Normally 4 by 4 does the trick!
2. Put modge podge all over the front of the tile with a paint brush.
3. Place the planner page on.
4. Let dry for a few minutes, then modge podge the top of planner page.
5. Let dry over night.

If your feeling extra crafy you can paint the edges of the tile different colors for an extra pop!

Cute and easy! Now your ready for a cool drink!

Chalet Chatter!

A major part of what makes the experience at the Pink Chalet is its wonderful team of ladies! We gave them a task of answering 10 questions all about themselves and of course The Pink Chalet and told them to answer with the first things that came to mind!

Ready... Set... GO!

1. What is your favorite part of working at The Pink Chalet?

Jennifer: Shopping everyday of course! We are one big happy family even with the customers!
Deerdre: The Atmosphere!
Debbie: It is a neighborhood store with an electric feel. I love my TPC family, they are truly some of the best souls anyone could meet.

2. What is on your summer agenda?

Debbie: Sun, Sun, Sun, Pool, Pool, Pool!!!
Natalie: Visiting family in England, catching up with friends from out of town.
Jacinda: Spending Time with friends and working of course at TPC!

3. What are a few of your favorite things in store?

Jennifer: That's hard.. EVERYTHING! Candles, Jewelry, Shoes....
Jaccinda: Brighton jewelry, Yellow Box Shoes,  CANDLES, Michael Stars Tops and anything new!
Brianna: Vera Bradley!

4. What is a classic piece in your wardrobe?

Allie: 3 words, Little Black Dress. Wear with anything, anytime, anywhere!
Katie: All wrist candy! Bracelets and watches!
Debbie: My Brighton gold hoops, they are called "destiny" and I think that's neat!

5. What is your favorite TV show right now?

Natalie: So You Think You Can Dance!
Deerdre: The Big Bang Theory.
Debbie: New Jersey Housewives! Love me some trash TV!

6. What are the top 3 things you cant live without?

Jaccinda: Friendship, Iphone and reading glasses (:
Jennifer: My husband, Starbucks Green Tea, Scrapbooking
Debbie: My family... but I need 5 things! Sunglasses, dry shampoo, creme de la mer, iphone, ipad!

7. How do you spend your time besides working at the Pink Chalet?

Deerdre: Taking care of my family, pets and my home. I like antiquing with my husband.
Lisa: I enjoy working out, volunteering at school, spending time with friends and my sons!
Allie: Horse back riding!

8. How would you describe your taste and style in your home and attire?

Natalie:  Classic, Colorful and Cozy! The 3 C's!
Brianna: Laid back yet bold!
Debbie: Chic yet livable

9. Why do you love TPC?

Jaccinda: It is a labor of love. One of my best friends owns it and I take pride in our success.
Debbie: I love that sometimes I feel like I am at a neighborhood hangout! (:
Allie: I love the people! Its like hanging out with your girlfriends and catching up on all the latest gossip! Plus first dibs on all the cute stuff!

10. Anything else? Whats something quirky about you?!

Katie: I'm a student at FSU and I make almost all my own jewelry!
Deerdre: I am a shop-aholic!
Natalie: I am from England! And full of crazy stories!
Jaccinda: I am friendly and helpful.... I think! I can fix just about anything or I can at least try! They call me Geppetta! ( Pinocchio's "daddy")

Friday, August 3, 2012

All About Us!

A Few Things About Debbie  Bianco- Higgins....

I'm a designer sun glass kind of girl. Most days you will find me with my hair in a clip and gym clothes. Taking care of my 2 boys keeps me moving as they are the light of my life. I love to read about fashion and watch mindless TV shows when I can. There are so many things about me, it would be impossible to list them all, but here are just a few "me" things!

1. I love to read People Style Watch
2. I love my Ipad ( Thanks Hubby!)
3.  I think Facebook should be called Bragbook!
4. I think it would be fun to be a " Real Housewive" for one season!

All this is possible with the support of my handsome hubby!